Saturday, January 7, 2012


Despite the worldwide popularity of traditional coffee beans the berry of the coffee plant has been largely overlooked. The Antioxidant and nutrient packed coffee berry is the bright red, fleshy fruit that surrounds the bean. Up until now, farmers who harvested coffee beans threw away and destroyed the fruit because there was no demand or research for its use, and the pulp was extremely perishable. Over the past four years, one found a way to harvest, transport and extract the pulp to create one

Coffee Berry, and thus re-invent the way consumers view (and consume!) coffee today.

Coffee Berry is so very unique, we are not just a Coffee product or a new fad, We are finally able to drink a Coffee that loves us back! I will explain why and how this Coffee drink should be your start to the day.

50 Million people suffer from high Cholesterol, As most know Cholesterol is sticky and stops the blood from traveling to well.

30 Million people suffer from High Blood Pressure, As most know High blood pressure begins with two issues,1. being inflammation, 2.Being Plaque build up.

20 million will suffer from Diabetes, Each and everyone of these conditions equal out to Heart Problems, Such as congestive heart failure,C.O.P.D,Etc

70 percent of Americans are over weight (maybe more) 1 of 2 men will have Cancer,1 of three woman will have Cancer in some point of their lives. As we know that Cancer seems to be or is on the rise and not just in adults but in Children as well.

You may ask well okay Where do we start? The answer to that question is to start at the main source and that would be the Cell.We have a Trillion cells in our body and they are all waiting to do work for us. These Cells also must be fed, what you feed the Cells is what you will see in the outcome.

Example, If you feed your Cells a greasy Cheeseburger and down it with a Coke, I can not see your overall health being 100% in the future if that is what your diet consists of on a day to day basis.

What you should be putting into your body is a Functional Drink, a Functional drink is a instant delivery into the gut and the blood stream.This functional drink is multiple ingredients that work Synergisticly together. Meaning if the ingredients do not pair up well they will do no good for the Blood.

If you are seriously looking for a change in body and mind I would say take this drink 3oz in the Morning. It is said to take in the morning because that when it gets your Blood glucose set for the day. Diabetics are guided to take at different measurements during the day.

This function drink give us 21 fruits and vegetable extracts which means this is where the Antioxidants come from.

So,There is some information on the Functional Beverage and in my next article I will bring you studies on this amazing Coffee fruit.

-Tammy M Kessner

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