Monday, January 16, 2012

Everything blueberry wishes it could be, CoffeeBerry® is.

Even with the astounding antioxidant value of CoffeeBerry®, SoZo went further in creating the perfect functional beverage. SoZo is a proprietary blend of CoffeeBerry with other powerful fruit and vegetable extracts that together offer a full spectrum of antioxidant protection for the body and the mind. One serving of this drink delivers an astounding 7,000 mg of active ingredients contained within the proprietary blend.

What does that mean? One three-ounce serving of SoZo a day provides the approximate antioxidant protection of 20 servings of fruits and vegetables.

As for the flavor, well, don’t expect the dark and bitter brew you associate with the word “coffee.” SoZo is bright, refreshing, and delicious. In fact, we’re not sure anything so good for you ever tasted this good.

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