Monday, January 16, 2012

How could such a delicious, beneficial fruit be overlooked for so long?

Natives of southern Mexico have been in on the secret – they’ve used it for centuries to make wine, medicine, and energy foods. But for most of the world, this berry has simply been in the way of the coffee bean.

One reason is purely practical: whole coffee fruit is extremely delicate, extremely perishable, and it’s difficult to stabilize. The most premium coffee fruit thrives at high elevations and must be picked at just the right time, when it reaches the perfect color. A picked berry retains its peak flavor and nutritive value only during the first day. How, then, could it possibly be made available to people at the bottom of the mountain, much less thousands of mile away?

It’s taken years of research, care, and precision to create a proprietary process of bringing the benefits of the coffee fruit to the general population. The CoffeeBerry® process, which has three patents surrounding it, is proven to protect the integrity of the coffee fruit in flavor, color, and nutritional value. Processing begins the minute the whole coffee fruit is picked to retain every bit of its natural goodness.

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