Monday, January 9, 2012

What Is Fruit X/B??

What are the health benefits of FruiteX-B®?

FruiteX-B is a significant breakthrough for those concerned with bone and joint health and
healthy aging. In a pilot study, 79% of participants reported significant increases in joint
comfort and flexibility after 8 weeks of supplementation. Participants in yet another study
reported a 66% increase in knee comfort after taking FruiteX-B in combination with vitamin
C and vitamin D3.
FruiteX-B works by helping the body to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. Better vitamin
D metabolism can help the body asborb more calcium. Proper calcium levels play a major
role in maintaining bone health. Extensive clinical research has also linked inadequate
concentrations of vitamin D to the occurrence of nonspecific joint discomfort, rheumatic
disorders, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and other chronic somatic disorders.

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