Sunday, January 29, 2012

A New Generation

The numbers are on the rise and are multiplying, for the search of the perfect blend of Coffee, same goes for beer,tea, and even hot chocolate lovers. Nobody wants to just settle for just a plain "OL" cup off "somethin"
As, for most of the "classy" coffee lover's they are paying out a whopping $20.00 dollars and up for a pound off the best tasting Coffee blend out there. So, if you are a coffee lover why not only buy the best right?
Do you remember when everybody on the block had their televisions tuned into "I Love Lucy" and the adults were sipping on Sanka instant coffee, Maxwell House, or Foldgers. To tell you the truth I do not remember that because I was born in the late 70s (Chuckle) I am sure that is how it really was though. Now,that is what I call just being in a "Comfort Zone.

I myself being a Coffee nerd,and doing research to find out what people want and what they will pay for the best coffee and beans. I was surprised with the results as stated in above, instead of Wine tasting many are having and going to Coffee tastings.

Also, remember when they said coffee was not really good for the body? Well not anymore because what I discovered was the best tasting coffee as well as the healthiest on the market today. This coffee also holds a Patent so nobody else can say they have the same thing or hold the true to the health benefits.
This coffee is organic and pesticide free as well as stands true to the tase, it is a gourmet coffee that even the pickiest of coffee drinkers will love, as I am one of them.What makes this so unique is Everyone who harvests coffee beans simply throws the coffee fruit away.Our blends are hand-selected from the finest Costa Rican and Colombian Arabica coffee beans in the world, then roasted to perfection. Rich, aromatic coffee you'll savor cup after cup.

I also used to use sugar and cream in my coffee but when I switched to this brand, I no longer need to ad the extras so you also save money as well as make it even more healthier when not adding the sugar and cream. Considering that is also where the added fat comes into play.
So, after my research searching and tasting for the perfect blend, I can honestly say I found mine and actually feel really great about drinking it. I also enjoy the fact that drinking a cup of this coffee is equal to a whole cup of Blueberries!

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