Monday, January 16, 2012

who's In Charge Of Your Day?

If you’re working for someone else, it’s not you. Think about it: how many bosses out there would leave it up to you to decide your own work schedule? Even if that schedule varied from day to day?

One more question: What would it mean to you to make your own schedule?
Pick your kid up from school. Or drop him off. Or both.
Take a vacation.
Spend a couple of hours having lunch.
Go to the gym or play a round of weekday golf.
Knock off early on a Friday so you can make it to, well, whatever’s kicking off your weekend.

(And you don’t even need permission.)

Being your own boss gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere you want AND call all the shots.

78% of business owners cite having control over their lives as an important reason for starting their own businesses.

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